Attendance Office email:
To become college and career ready, it is imperative that students attend each of their classes every day on time All studies regarding student attendance point towards the same result that good attendance has a strong correlation with student performance. Please explain the importance of daily attendance to your child.
Call 916-567-5655 to clear all absences. Please help us to keep accurate attendance by calling the attendance office by 8:30 if your student will be absent. Include the following information:
- Student’s legal name
- The day(s) and date(s) of absence(s)
- Reason for the absence
- Caller’s/writer’s name and relationship to the student
- Home and work phone numbers
All absences not cleared within 72 hours of the student’s return will be considered a truancy. Be aware that not all absences will be excused. For more details regarding excused absences, follow the link below.
Closed Campus
Inderkum High School is a closed campus. Students are not permitted to leave school once the school day has started. Students who leave campus without permission will receive truancies for the periods missed and may receive disciplinary actions.
Early Dismissal
For the safety and protection of your child, your cooperation with the following procedures will be appreciated:
* Students leaving during the day for any reason should bring a note from a parent or guardian authorizing the release of the child,
* Any adult picking up a student must come to the attendance office first, sign-in, state his/her relationship to the child and the reason for taking the child early,
* If any adult other than the parent or guardian comes for the student, a signed note from the parent/guardian permitting release of the child is required.
For the benefit of your child, try to avoid scheduling medical appointments when testing is taking place, or when field trips or special school events have been planned.
The State of California has established that it is a parent’s legal responsibility to ensure that their child/children attend school. If your child is truant, school personnel must refer the parents and student to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB), and if necessary, to the District Attorney’s office and Truancy Court. Students will be classified as truant if absent from school without a valid excuse three (3) full days in one school year or tardy or absent for more than any 30-minute period during the school day without valid excuse on three (3) occasions in one school year, or any combination. (Ed.Code 48260).